Originally from South Alabama, Kathy Robbins graduated with honors from Troy University with a B.S. in Business Administration. She also attended Thomas Goode Jones School of Law in Montgomery, Alabama for a short time. She has 16 years work experience in manufacturing management and 7 years in retail management.
Currently, living in Buda, Texas where she enjoys raising 3 boys, ages 16, 14 and 11 Kathy frequently mentions them in stories.
She has served in a number of positions as a volunteer where she is a member at Buda United Methodist Church: Evangelism Committee member, Recording Secretary for the Administrative Board, Usher, Liturgist and Youth Volunteer. She currently serves on the Hays Praise Emmaus Board, as Secretary for the Austin/Crossroads Next Step Group Chrysalis Board, member of the Southwest Texas Conference Chrysalis Board, and the Austin District Lay Speaking Board. She is partnered with The Journey United Methodist Church in the Buda/Kyle area where she serves on the prayer team and several other areas. She is also a volunteer at the Hays Caldwell Women's Center in San Marcos, Texas.
Most of Kathy's writing is creative non-fiction, although names are frequently changed for the sake of privacy. She classifies her writing as non-fiction, subject to a sometimes faulty memory. The reason that she chose non-fiction is that she thinks that the saying that 'the truth is stranger than fiction', rings true. She writes book reviews, an editorial piece every now and then, stress relief suggestions and a feature entitled 'Extraordinary Ministries in Ordinary Places.'.
Kathy's writing has been published on the online sites, "The Partial Observer", "Divine Caroline", "Inspik Blog Carnival," "Goodreads," "Christianbook.com," and "Amazon.com." Her photography has been published in the Hays Free Press. She is a member of Austin Writer Grrls and The High Calling Bloggers and Bloggers.com. She is also a contributing writer at Pyjama Club.
Kathy is always looking for the opinions and works of others to include on this blog.
You can contact her at krobbins100@yahoo.com, on Twitter at @krobbi. Click here to contact her on Facebook.